Current projects
Keep In Pact .
The Keep in Pact project (Keep Innovation in Multi Partnership Cooperation in Lifelong Guidance Services) aims to strengthen the skills of professionals in “multi-partner management and cooperation” in lifelong career guidance centers. The project also aims to develop an innovative multi-partner ecosystem approach for public and private organizations working in the field of working life.
The project is structured around the following key actions:
Analysis of current cooperation between players in the field of lifelong career guidance
Development of a toolbox for mutual learning and the implementation of training in multi-partner cooperation
Definition of a non-formal validation procedure for multi-partner management skills in lifelong guidance
Creation of a European community of professionals
The project is coordinated by the Réseau International des Cités des métiers and brings together 5 other European partners: Cité des métiers de Paris, Cité des métiers de Porto, Agencija za Znanosti i Visoko Obrazovanje (AZVO), Learningdigital, Lifelong Learning Platform.
The project, funded under the Erasmus+ program, runs from September 2019 to March 2022.
Find all the information and news on the project website
ReSolution .
The aim of the ReSolution project is to develop free educational resources for integration professionals, with a view to developing practices and skills for the positive (re)mobilization of people far from employment. The project will include both training tutorials and online courses, as well as a set of recommendations for using the material created. The lines of action are:
Enable professionals to acquire know-how linked to the socio-professional integration of the long-term unemployed,
Strengthen cooperation between players in the field of training and socio-professional development,
Create digital resources focusing on methods for identifying people who are far from the job market, and on innovation in positive remobilization.
The expected outputs will be transferable from one country and territory to another, and will include:
A toolbox of innovative practices in the field of positive remobilization of people outside the job market;
A training tutorial
A MOOC (massive open online course)
The project began in September 2019 and ends in December 2021. It is funded by the Erasmus + KA2 “strategic partnerships” program. The project brings together 7 European partners including: DEIS (Coordinator), Réseau International des Cités des métiers, Cooperativa Orso, GIP Formation Tout au Long de la Vie (GIP FTLV) de l’académie de Besançon, CEPS Projectes Socials, Pour la Solidarité, Galileo Progetti.
Find out all the latest news and information on the project website
Carrer Skills .
The Career Skills project aims to create a Europe-wide online “one-stop-shop” to meet the needs of career guidance practitioners, policy-makers and users. More specifically, the project aims to provide European citizens with tools enabling them to strengthen and develop their career guidance skills. The project is aimed at
Citizens of all ages, young people and adults, who are looking for support in their professional transition; low-skilled, highly-skilled people who are encountering difficulties in entering the job market; jobseekers, NEETs, employees who are considering professional retraining or who are about to lose their jobs;older workers, who need to reinforce their skills and develop new ones in order to remain competitive. The project will help them strengthen their skills and find appropriate career paths in a constantly changing world.
To the various guidance professionals who will receive ready-to-use training tools and resources, as well as a multifunctional platform where they can showcase their services, achievements and best practices, and connect with users who need support in building their career paths.
Stakeholders, political representatives, experts, employers and educational establishments who will benefit from the project’s long-term outcomes: improved access to services, a better understanding of navigational skills within society, improved delivery and access to Career Skills training, and a better match between training and labor market requirements.
This 3-year cooperative project is co-financed by the European Commission and implemented by a consortium involving 6 organizations across Europe: Business Foundation for Education (project coordinator), Réseau International des Cités des Métiers, University of Jyvaskyla in Finland , Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Aspire-Igen.
In 2020, the partners have developed the “Career Skills Catalogue”, and will be conducting research to gather additional feedback and resources. The platform – “Career Skills” – and the interactive map – “Career Service Map” – will also be launched. The results were presented at seminars in early 2021.
In 2021, the partners will develop the “Career Skills” MOOC, produce a promotional video and organize training of trainers in all partner countries. This training will make it easier for players to use the platform and the methodology for developing professional skills.
In 2022, the consortium will carry out promotional campaigns, evaluate the impact of the project and present conclusions and results at final events.
More information and news on the project website
Older projects
DIMESCA project – Digital, MEdiation, Skills in lifelong CAeer Guidance –is an European project of exchanges for practices run by Cités des métiers International Network.
There are 8 other partners in the project : Cité des métiers de Limoges et du Limousin-AROFE, la Cité des métiers de la région mulhousienne-SEMAPHORE MSA, la Città dei mestieri di Milano e della Lombardia as well as Rural Stifting Digital Chancen, Rural Internet Access Points, North-East Regional Development Agency, Fundación empresa Universidad Zaragoza and the Foundation for research & training on eCulture.
Thanks to this project, Cités des métiers would like to develop and strengthen service for digital inclusion and mediation in Cités des métiers.
It includes in particular four training sessions with professionals in order to test a programme of workshops regarding basic knowledge, online process (e-administration) and how to build-up digital identify.
This project funded under the Erasmus+ programme will run from September 2018 to September 2020
You can find a description of the project on the website of the European Commission.
The project “DEveloping CAreer COunselling services in integrated spaces” (COCADE) is to up-skill the profession of career counselling and strengthen the partnership management in Cités des métiers and other similar sites.
It includes mutual learning and training actions between professionals. It will allow in particular to make a test of an initial training programme in the profession of career guidance counsellor in integrated spaces.
The project led by the Cités des metiers International Network includes 8 other partners of which the Cités des metiers de Paris, de Normandie, de Porto, de Turin and de La Réunion. Other partners are UCC Carlsberg, Espaço t and Business Foundation for Education.
It is funded in the framework of the Erasmus + programme K2 «strategic parternships».
The project will be organised between September 2017 to February 2019 (18 months).
You can find a description of the project on the website of the European Commission.
Download the project presentation
Launched in October 2015, the project aims to develop and sustain the Digital Professional Identity as a factor in employability of young adults. It targets in particular young people with low qualifications, the NEETs (Neither in Education, Employment or Training).
Netme-In is funded by the Erasmus + programme, for 3 years (2015-2018).
Led by the Foundation of European Regions for Research, Education and Training (FREREF), it gathered 10 European partners, including the Cités des métiers International Network which mobilised the Cité des métiers de Paris-la-Villette to implement the actions.
The others members of the consortium are: the University of Bretagne Sud, the Foundation University-Businesses of the Balearic Islands, the Dutch Foundation Innovation Welfare to Work, the Lifelong learning Centre of the Bosphore University in Istanbul, Sophia R&I, the CEIS from Italy and the Technic School and the Company Cistoca from the city of Karkovac in Croatia.
In the frame of the project, the Cité des métiers de Paris-la-Villette has realised since 2016, two Micro-Caps: “Illustration of the workshop: develop its employability on social networks” and an interview of a counsellor from Pôle Emploi at the Cité des métiers, you can find the document online.
The micro-caps are Web Learning Module to bring knowledge about the key subjects of the projects (Digital Professional Identity, Job access with Professional Social Networks, and support for less qualified and less experienced people, those who are furthest away from employment, etc.).
More information on the project website, Twitter or Facebook.